Dear Friend,
Your donation today makes you a First Call champion!
Your contribution will help us deliver life-saving and life-changing
help to over 50,000 people and families in our region.
Please consider making your donation a recurring monthly gift.
Your commitment to monthly support helps ensure that funds
are available year round. Sustainability is critical to the community
coalitions we serve; the schools where we deliver life skills and
support for youth in recovery; and the individuals and families
calling First Call’s 24/7 crisis call line to access immediate help,
assessments, one-on-one clinical support and group classes.
My inbox and phone line are always open to you. Please feel free to email me at emilyh@firstcallkc.org, or call me at 816-800-8052 if you have any questions or if you would like to designate your gift for a specific purpose.
With much gratitude,
Emily Hage
President & CEO