Gifts of Stock
Gifts of appreciated securities may be made to First Call. Please notify your brokerage representative of your intent to make your gift and identify the company and number of shares to be transferred to First Call.
Your brokerage representative may be instructed to electronically transfer or deliver shares of stock from your personal brokerage account to the brokerage account of First Call. Please provide the following information with your instructions to your brokerage representative.
A gift of appreciate securities, such as a stock or mutual fund, is a great way to support our organization and the people we serve through your generosity.
In fact, giving a stock that may have appreciated in value is one of the BEST WAYS for you to benefit from making a charitable gift.
You receive an income tax deduction based on the full "market value" of the stock, up to 30% of your adjusted gross income.
The "cost" of making your gift is the price you paid for the stock, which is less than the full gift amount if made by a gift of check or cash.
How to make a Gift of Stock
It is IMPORTANT that you notify us of any expected or pending securities transaction(s) and provide us with your name, address, phone number, name of stock and number of shares to be transferred, the expected date of the transfer. For stocks held in "certificate" form, please contact us for special instructions. We look forward to providing you with our written acknowledgement with all pertinent stock transfer information for your income tax purposes.
For more information, please call First Call at 816.361.5900.